Monday, January 23, 2012

This to That! Nasty old cabinet makeover to play kitchen

 We had a tiny plastic play kitchen that Ava got a couple years ago which was great but they were quickly out growing it and as much as they play with it I thought about purchasing a good quality wood one but that just wasn't in the budget - so of course we set out to make our own(DIY)! I'll give you a quick break down to hopefully inspire you to do the same and keep the cost down :D
The nasty and I mean NASTY old cabinets are from Re-Store I paid $25 bucks for the pair. I picked the wider one for it's height which we took the kick plate off of so it wouldn't be too tall(we had to add a top and back to it with scrap ply-wood) and I picked the narrower one for the fridge and because it's front some what matched the other(I had my husband add a bottom to it to make it taller and cut half circles out of the front for a retro flair) I am fairly certain these are from the 70's!
Sink aka stainless bowl $7 - Cash and Carry restaurant supply store you'll pay about 30% less then retail.
Paint is country white color place satin - Walmart $16.97 for the gallon and we still have lot's to spare!
Pulls for "oven" and "fridge" Lowes $4.27 ea
Faucet also from restore $5 bucks(we had to check back several times to find one we wanted, so be patient!)
Oven burners are soccer ball wood things from Joann's $1.27 each flipped upside down and spray painted with black spray paint then nailed on with the nail gun.
Oven Light - Tap light from dollar store
Most everything else we had! So if your looking for something that I didn't mention please feel free to ask. Just takes a little creativity and man power to create your own custom Kitchen! And my kids LOVE this thing. The WHOLE neighbor hood loves it! 

So cost break down -

about 60 bucks!

In all fairness I did go a little crazy since it was a Christmas gift and purchased a few new things for them to enjoy! Like the tiny colander(TJ maxx 5 bucks) and kids cook book(goodwill) and I made them matching chef hats and easy Velcro aprons from fabric I owned. The pans are from dollar store and the felt cupcakes I mad too ;) tutorial for that soon! Again, see something I didn't mention just ask ;)

Special Thanks to Papa for coming down here to paint it - aka my professional painter! I don't think we would have finished on time with out him!


  1. oh darling & the kids look so very HAPPY - worth it right there! new linky is opening up shorty - be sure to swing by & link up (link back so you can be featured down the road!) :)

  2. How do I link back?? I am so new to this blog stuff :O
