I think are caught up to present for the most part I know there are lot's of things I missed( I will hopefully be able to get back to those) but the most important and basic details are there :)
Our daily routine at first seemed extreme and over whelming. As with most things it is getting easier with time.
6:30 am check Ava's blood sugar (we use a lancet and the contour glucose monitor)
Feed her breakfast consisting of 30-45 grams of carbs
Give her Novalog (insulin,shot)
9 am feed Ava a 15 gram carb snack (she loves light yogurt!)
12:30 check BS again(Ava's insulin is based on a sliding scale, see below, and diet)
Feed her lunch 30-45 grams of carbs again
Give her Novalog
Nap 1-3pm(ish)
4pm snack 15 grams of carbs
6:30 pm check BS feed her dinner and giver shot
8pm snack and lantus shot
10 pm check BS (this is temporary till we start to see consistency)
Our basic routine includes about 4 to 10 finger pokes depending o our comfort level with her BS and at least 4 shots a day. There is a rare occasion where there is 5(emergencies only)
Andy and I work FULL TIME so Ava spends 8 to 6 at grandma and Papa's during the week so I am constantly calling and checking just for my own sanity. My mom has been a lifesaver in all of this, her comfort level is still building but I trust her with my children and honestly she probably cares for them better then I could :).
As you can imagine a toddler with diabetes learning to talk poses a lot o f issues she doesn't comprehend everything. She doesn't know when or how to tell us how she is feeling. She doesn't understand why she needs to eat all her food. Or what is truly happening to her.All these things are challenging a long with the normal daily challenges. Grocery shopping has taken on a whole new form as we learn what foods she will or won't eat. Reading ALL labels for serving size and carb count. We haven't had to deal with any illness's yet(knock on wood) and we have managed to keep her out of the hospital so our daily routine and common sense must be working ;)
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